
KATC has published a variety of books in relation to Sustainable Organic Agriculture, both on print and online or either one of both. Some books are published entirely by KATC while others are done through collaborations with other like-minded organizations.  Some books are for commercial purposes while others are free for use. List of publications include.

list of manuals produced by KATC

  1. Sustainable Agriculture
  2. Small Earth Dam Construction
  3. Agro-forestry
  4. Production of Food Legume Crops the Organic Way
  5. Organic Vegetable Production
  6. Manure Handling & Storage
  7. Beekeeping
  8. Entrepreneurship for Small Scale Farmers
  9. Organic Cotton Guide for Zambia
  10. Crop health in Sustainable
  11. Sustainable Organic Agriculture Manual for Small-scale Farmers