Our Products

Kasisi Organic Rolled Oats
Kasisi Organic Rolled Oats are organic certified, nutritious, safe, tasty, succulent and filing. The oats are produced from pure organic oats grown and processed organically using environmentally friendly, socially just and naturally viable practices and technologies. a rare unique mark of sustainable production and consumption. The oats are free from GMOs and chemicals.

Kasisi Yogurt
Kasisi Yogurt is naturally processed from Kasisi fresh milk from our grassfed cows and 100% natural ingredients. The yogurt has no preservatives, artificial color or flavor enhancors added.

Kasisi Cheese
Kasisi produces four types of cheese including Halloumi, Feta, Mozzarella and Fresh Cheese. The cheeses are made with wholesome organic milk from our dairy at Kasisi farm. Made with healthy milk from grassfed cows which are 100% reared naturally. The Gently handmade cheeses are made without adding any artificial additives, these cheeses have unique flavors and characteristics.

Kasisi Milk
Kasisi Milk is from cows that are kept naturally. The cows do not receive hormonal treatments and are kept on pasture for the entirety of their life.

Kasisi Sour Milk
Kasisi Sour Milk is a delight made with entire Kasisi fresh milk. All our ingredients are 100% natural.
Organic Products Currently Grown Organic Commercial Crops:
Soya beans
Open pollinated variety seed maize
Production of these can be up-scaled under contract:
Bambara nuts
Mung beans
Rice beans
Pigeon peas
Velvet bean
Indigenous squash
Sweet potatoes
Crop Harvest
We also have:
Afroforestry seeds and seedlings green manure seeds (velvet beans, sunhemp, gliricidia, pigeon pea)